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The Dragon Flower Assembly | Talk by Dr. Larry Ward

The Dragon Flower Assembly

The aim of Tao (The Way) is to create heaven on earth, where the assembly of enlightened beings will gather.
— Master Ji Gong

For this month's talk, Dr. Ward will introduce the stories and teachings behind the Dragon Flower Assembly and the present-day manifestation of bodhisattvas. It is a deep way of understanding our spiritual community and heritage, not confined by identity-making.

Event includes: Dharma talk, poetry recitation, guided meditation, and Q&A.

Wednesday, September 18
4:00–5:00 pm PT | 7:00–8:00 pm ET
Online via Zoom


  • Recording shared with all registrants and members within 48 hours after the event.

  • Members do not need to register.

  • Offered on a sliding scale. Please choose the price that works for you. For the most value, consider purchasing a membership for as little as $20/month to join every month’s meditation, talk, and more.

Dr. Larry Ward (he/him)

Larry is co-founder of the Lotus Institute, author of America's Racial Karma: An Invitation to Heal and a senior Dharma teacher ordained in the Plum Village tradition. Dr. Ward holds a PhD in Religious Studies with an emphasis on Buddhism and the neuroscience of meditation. As a teacher, Larry interweaves insights with personal stories and resounding clarity that express his Dharma name, “True Great Sound.”

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