There is still time to change the future
Dharma talk by Dr. Larry Ward
This present moment is the only moment that our true powers can be embodied. In Buddhism we are reminded of three inherent powers: thinking, speech, and behavior. In this month’s dharma talk, Dr. Ward will focus on applying these three powers to the evolutionary heart within ourselves and our planet.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
4:00–5:30 pm pacific time | 7:00–8:30 pm eastern time
Online via Zoom
Donation-based offering
Teacher bio
Dr. Larry Ward (he/him) is a senior Dharma teacher in Thich Nhat Hanh's Plum Village tradition of engaged Buddhism, the author of America's Racial Karma, and co-author with his wife, Peggy, of Love's Garden: A Guide To Mindful Relationships. Dr. Ward brings forty years of international experience in organizational change and local community renewal to his work at the Lotus Institute. He holds a PhD in Religious Studies with an emphasis on Buddhism and the neuroscience of meditation, and has trained at the Trauma Resource Institute. As a teacher, Larry interweaves insights with personal stories and resounding clarity that express his Dharma name, “True Great Sound.”
Register for March talk
Fill out the form to register. Everyone who registers will receive a recording. This is a donation-based offering. After registering, you’ll arrive on the donation page where you can make a contribution if able.